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What is the difference between 400ZR and 400ZR+?
Knowledge Base + 2024.01.09

400ZR and 400ZR+ are optical transceiver standards designed for high-speed, long-distance data transmission in optical networks. These standards are often associated with coherent optical communication for data center interconnects and wide-area networking. Please note that developments in standards and technologies may have occurred since my last update.  

Here are the key points differentiating 400ZR and 400ZR+:

  1. 400ZR:

    • Standardization: 400ZR is a standardized optical transceiver solution defined by the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF). The OIF has specifications for 400ZR, outlining the requirements for interoperability and compliance.

    • Data Rate: 400ZR is designed for a data rate of 400 Gbps (Gigabits per second).

    • Distance: 400ZR is optimized for shorter-distance data center interconnects, typically targeting reaches of up to 120 km (kilometers) without the need for regeneration.

  2. 400ZR+:

    • As of my last knowledge update, there isn't a widely recognized standard or specification specifically named "400ZR+." The designation "400ZR+" may refer to an enhanced or extended version of the 400ZR standard or could be associated with advancements beyond the initial 400ZR specification.

    • It's important to note that the "+" symbol in technology terms often signifies an improved or enhanced version. The specific features and enhancements associated with "400ZR+" would depend on the developments and standards set by relevant industry organizations or manufacturers.
