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What is the speed of QSFP+?
Knowledge Base + 2024.01.10

QSFP+ (Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable Plus) is a transceiver module used for high-speed data communication in networking equipment. QSFP+ supports various data rates depending on the specific standard and configuration. Here are the common data rates associated with QSFP+: 

  1. 40G QSFP+:

    • The most common use of QSFP+ is for 40 Gigabit Ethernet (40GbE) connections. In this configuration, QSFP+ operates at a data rate of 4 x 10 Gbps, with each of the four channels transmitting at 10 Gbps.

  2. Other Configurations:

    • QSFP+ can also be configured to support other data rates. For example, it can be used for 4 x 8.5 Gbps for Fibre Channel applications or 4 x 16 Gbps for InfiniBand.

  3. Backward Compatibility:

    • QSFP+ modules are backward compatible with the older 10G SFP+ (Small Form-factor Pluggable Plus) modules through the use of a breakout cable. This allows a single QSFP+ port to be split into four separate SFP+ ports, each operating at 10 Gbps.

It's important to note that QSFP+ is an older standard, and newer transceiver standards like QSFP28 (which supports 100 Gigabit Ethernet) and QSFP56 (which supports 200 Gigabit Ethernet) have been introduced to meet the increasing demand for higher data rates in data center and networking environments. QSFP+ remains relevant for 40G applications and provides a transition path to higher-speed standards when used with appropriate breakout cables or adapters.
