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What is the difference between 4sfp and 4sfp+?
Knowledge Base + 2024.01.10

The terms "4SFP" and "4SFP+" refer to different types of network modules or configurations. The key difference between them lies in the data transfer rates they support.

  1. 4SFP:

    • "4SFP" typically refers to a module or configuration that includes four SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) ports.

    • SFP is a compact, hot-pluggable transceiver used for various networking applications. It can support different data rates, including 1G, 10G, and others, depending on the specific type of SFP module used.

  2. 4SFP+:

    • "4SFP+" refers to a module or configuration that includes four SFP+ (Small Form-factor Pluggable Plus) ports.

    • SFP+ is an enhanced version of SFP designed to support higher data rates. It is commonly used for 10G Ethernet connections but can also support 1G or 8G Fibre Channel, depending on the specific SFP+ module.

In summary, the key distinction is that SFP+ supports higher data rates compared to traditional SFP. If you encounter a module labeled as "4SFP+," it suggests that the module supports higher-speed connections, likely 10G or more, through its four SFP+ ports. If it's labeled as "4SFP," it may support a variety of data rates, and you would need to check the specifications or the type of SFP modules it accommodates to determine the supported speeds. Always check the product documentation or specifications for the specific details of the equipment you are working with.
