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What is the difference between BiDi and non BiDi?
Knowledge Base + 2024.01.12

The terms "BiDi" and "non-BiDi" refer to different types of optical communication systems, particularly in the context of fiber optic transceivers. Here's a brief explanation of the key differences:

  1. BiDi (Bidirectional):

    • BiDi Optics: Bidirectional optics, also known as BiDi optics, enable bidirectional communication over a single optical fiber by using two different wavelengths for transmitting and receiving signals.

    • Wavelengths: BiDi optics use two different wavelengths, typically one for upstream (transmitting) and another for downstream (receiving). Common pairs include 1310/1490 nm or 1310/1550 nm.

    • Benefits: BiDi optics are advantageous in scenarios where deploying two separate fibers for full-duplex communication is challenging or costly. They are often used in point-to-point connections.

  2. Non-BiDi (Traditional):

    • Non-BiDi Optics: Traditional, non-BiDi optics use separate fibers for transmitting and receiving signals in a full-duplex communication system.

    • Wavelengths: Each fiber in a non-BiDi system has its own specific wavelength for transmitting or receiving data.

    • Benefits: Non-BiDi optics provide dedicated paths for upstream and downstream communication, offering the advantages of full-duplex communication with potentially higher bandwidth.

Key Differences:

  • Fiber Count:

    • BiDi: Requires only a single fiber for bidirectional communication.

    • Non-BiDi: Requires two separate fibers, one for transmitting and one for receiving.

  • Wavelength Usage:

    • BiDi: Uses two different wavelengths on the same fiber for upstream and downstream communication.

    • Non-BiDi: Uses separate wavelengths on different fibers for upstream and downstream communication.

  • Deployment Considerations:

    • BiDi: Suited for scenarios where fiber availability is limited or expensive, as it allows bidirectional communication over a single fiber.

    • Non-BiDi: Traditional approach with separate fibers for full-duplex communication.

The choice between BiDi and non-BiDi optics depends on factors such as the available fiber infrastructure, cost considerations, and the specific requirements of the network deployment. Both types have their advantages and are used in various applications based on the needs of the communication system.
