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What is the minimum distance for SFP 10G SR?
Knowledge Base + 2024.01.10

The minimum distance for an SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) 10G SR (Short Range) module is typically specified by the manufacturer based on the characteristics of the optical components used. However, the general guideline is that 10G SR modules are designed for short-range connections over multimode fiber.

The "SR" in 10G SR stands for Short Range, indicating that it is suitable for relatively short-distance transmissions. The typical minimum distance for SFP 10G SR modules is around 300 meters (approximately 984 feet) on OM3 multimode fiber and can extend up to 400 meters (approximately 1312 feet) on OM4 multimode fiber.

It's important to note that the actual performance may vary depending on the quality of the fiber optic cable, the specific transceiver model, and other environmental factors. Always refer to the documentation provided by the SFP module manufacturer for precise specifications and guidelines for use.
